Meet Methodable pt. 3: Meet the Block Types
Meet Methodable is a series of articles about Methodable, the human-programming tool. Each article focuses on one section of the Meet Methodable interactive guide and provides additional discussion.
What are Block Types?
Block types are Methodable’s version of a programming language: they’re little pieces of information that tell the computer how to best guide the user through each step of a program.
Along with indentation, block types are all Methodable needs to turn a text outline into a complex, interactive guide. So far there are five block types, with more on the way.
The block-type system lets you create human programs without learning any keywords or special syntax. Every letter you type will be in your own language, to be read by a human.
Continue this article as an interactive guide…
Click below, ideally on desktop, to learn about block types in Methodable.
…Or, just read this excerpt about metaprograms
One block type, the Edit block, is special because it lets you edit programs from within programs. A program that allows you to edit itself (and instructs you in exactly how to edit itself) is called a Metaprogram. Read on:
Metaprograms are one of the most exciting use cases of Methodable. They are like templates but way cooler. They are generic processes that help you generate personal processes. Metaprograms can help people create personalized learning routines, personal note-taking methods, or personal virtual assistants for any kind of workflows or processes... the possibilities are endless! And as long as a metaprogram is tuned correctly, the process of evolving and reflecting upon one's methods can proceed iteratively while remaining completely guided.
For a metaprogram metaphor: metaprograms are seeds. The generic information stored within a tiny seed can grow into a complex tree that is uniquely shaped to make the best use of its own environment. Similarly, a well-tuned metaprogram will use its feedback mechanisms to grow into a guide that is best adapted to help the user succeed in their own environment.
People like you who came across Methodable early on will need to learn how to use Editor mode and boldly create your own programs without receiving explicit instructions. Soon though, we can collectively build Methodable into a system where anyone can create useful programs without learning Editor mode, just by jumping into a guided metaprogram that (like everything in Methodable's Guide mode) tells them the exact steps to generate their own personal process and achieve their goal.
Did that pique your curiosity? If so, here’s the button one more time for the full interactive guide :)
Until next time,